Navigating Unseen Roads: Exploring the Impact of Bias on Academic Women’s Career Trajectories

When: 27. Mai 2024, 16:00 – 18.30
The event is free of charge, but reservation is required.
Where: UZH, Rämistrasse 59, 8006 Zurich – Room RAA-G-15 (2nd floor)
About this event: What does it mean for female founders to build start-ups and spin-offs as opposed to their male peers? Do conscious and unconscious bias play a role? A female founder sharing her story after a decade in entrepreneurship.
This event is co-organized by the Office Gender Equality and Diversity, University of Zurich and ETH Diversity, ETH Zurich, partners in the Femspin project.
Femspin is a collaborative project by swissuniversities (Federal Programme P7), which aims at
promoting equal opportunities in the field of spin-off activities by setting a specific focus on
women. Cooperation partners: ETH Zurich, EPFL, Paul Scherrer Institute, Universities of Zurich,
Basel, Bern and Geneva, Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences in Western (HES-SO), Southern
(SUPSI) and Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW, Leading House).
- 4.00 pm Welcome
- Dr. Christiane Löwe, Head Gender Equality and Diversity Office, UZH
- Dr. Raphaela Hettlage, Team Leader ETH Diversity, ETH Zurich
- 4.10 pm Femspin Project
- Prof. Rolf Meyer, Project Lead FemSpin
- 4.20 pm Navigating Unseen Roads: Exploring the Impact of Bias on Academic Women’s Career Trajectories
- Andreia R. Fernandes, Founder SEABRAND International GmbH & Lead, Entrepreneurship Training, UZH
- 5.05 pm Q&A session
- 5.30 pm Apéro riche
An Innosuisse Business Ideas Event
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